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What is Furmark?

What it Means

Furmark is the comprehensive global certification and traceability system for natural fur that guarantees animal welfare and environmental standards.

It  encompasses  a  number  of  individual  certification  programmes.  Each  programme  has a specific,  independently-developed  science-based  protocol or standard.  The  respective programmes  are  then  subject  to  third-party  assessment  and  certified  by  a  recognised certification body.

The  certification  system  itself  also  includes  a  traceability  component  (accessible  to  the consumer)  and  a  quality  mark  (indicating  certification).

Furmark  products  are traceable, verified, and guaranteed to have met recognised standards. With Furmark, stages of the supply chain is subject to certification, third-party assessment, and traceability.

Global Certification and Traceability

Furmark is the new global certification and traceability system for  natural fur that guarantees animal welfare and environmental standards.

The certification system ensures that every step of production meets strict, globally-recognised standards. ‍ Furmark® responds to consumer demands for simple, recognisable, and global certification — indicated by a clear mark — and brings together the leading independently-verified certification programmes.


Science, Independent Inspection, and Transparency

  1. Certification programmes and their individual protocols must be science-based and approved by independent experts.
  2. Certification programmes must be verified by third parties and publicly available.
  3. Certification programmes must be sustainable, relevant, accessible, and traceable.
Supply Chain Diagram